Korea – Expandworldwide https://expandworldwide.com International Business Consulting Sat, 25 Aug 2018 17:50:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Korea: Why Now? https://expandworldwide.com/korea-why-now/ Sun, 25 Mar 2018 17:46:53 +0000 http://expandworldwide.com/?p=26 Continue reading "Korea: Why Now?"

South Korea and the United States are currently working out a trade agreement, which will lower Korea’s trade tariffs for American Products.

There are also opportunities for investors in the Commercial Real Estate market of Korea. Investors find that they receive a greater return, and in a shorter period of time on their funds then in the American Market of today.

Korea is at least five years ahead of the United States in the telecommunication industry.  South Korea is a leader in the areas of fiber optics and WiMax capabilities.  Korea produces superior products in the field of technology.

Korea is also one of the largest producers of steel in the world today.  Steel produced in Korea is four times stronger then American steel, and can be purchased at a much lower cost.

Korea at this time is completely westernized, and has excellent relations with the U.S. Within the next 5 years or less the United States will put into place an open Visa Policy. Currently the head of the United Nation, Ban Ki-Moon, is from South Korea.  Also right now is a good time to buy from Korea since their currency has dropped in half compared to the U.S. dollar.
